About me

Born in January 1997 in Milano, I’m currently a Master Student at ETH Zurich, where I am completing the degree in “Robotics, Systems, and Control”.
Apart from being passionate about robotics and related technologies, such as Computer Vision and Deep Learning, I have a strong interest for all topics related to human behavior and how the mind works, which makes me an avid book reader, and a very curious person in general.
Most importantly, I continuously try to improve myself by studying, reading and traveling through different cities, countries and cultures. In that way I learned the importance to be in a dynamic and heterogeneous environment allowing me to be always ready to question my own point of view, and so approach any problem in a new, and possibly better way. This brings me to qualify and welcome any new exciting challenge when the opportunity arises.

If you want to know more about what kept me busy lately, feel free to explore this website.

If you wanna reach me out, to discuss opportunities, projects or possible collaborations, or just to have a chat, all my contacts are on the sidebar here on the left.